
30 Moves in 30 Seconds Challenge

Hey hey! Enrollment for my online house dance course opens on September 25, 2024 at 1pm California time, for a limited number of students. Enrollment opens only twice a year, so be sure to sign up for the waiting list if you want to be the first to receive notifications and important updates about enrolling! 

Thank you for checking out my challenge! Here you’ll find the tutorial(s) and other resources to be able to learn this combination of moves. Click here if you wanna see some of my students do the challenge in my Instagram story highlights. Enjoy!

30 Moves in 30 Seconds Demo:


If you need to flip/mirror these tutorial videos, click here. If you need a more thorough tutorial for any of these moves, individual tutorials can be found at the bottom of this page!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Song (beat starts at :47)

List of Moves (Click on name for tutorial)

  1. Swirl

  2. Dodger

  3. Shuffle

  4. Cow’s Tail

  5. Pow Wow

  6. Roger Rabbit

  7. Happy Feet

  8. Pivots

  9. Lotus

  10. Train

  11. Skate 

  12. Jack In The Box

  13. Heel step

  14. Crosswalk

  15. Spongebob

  16. Criss Cross (This tutorial is the Brooklyn Bounce, which is basically the Hip Hop version of Criss Cross, since my original Criss Cross tutorial is executed differently)

  17. Chase

  18. Cross Step

  19. Cross Drag

  20. Loose Legs

  21. Stomp

  22. Farmer

  23. Farmer’s Run

  24. Hurdle 

  25. Jack Jump

  26. Scribble Foot

  27. Sidewalk

  28. Sweep

  29. Pas De Bourree

  30. Set up

  31. Spin

If you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a comment below! Talk to you soon. 🙂

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